Fargo has consistently been one of the most impressive anthology crime dramas available. Particularly impressive were the first two seasons, which combined good editing with a tightly woven tale that grew and expanded as the seasons proceeded. While the third installment did not quite live up to the first two, it was still a rather intriguing movie.
With three towering seasons to compete with, Season 4 of Fargo had no chance of surpassing its predecessors. With a gang-related tale intertwined with relevant commentary about racism and kinship, Fargo spends the majority of its season with a multitude of characters who fail to seize the spotlight.
With the exception of select characters, such as Chris Rock’s as Loy Cannon, the program struggles to live up to its predecessors and deliver anything truly exceptional.
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Given that this is titled Fargo, it was always going to be difficult to accomplish that. The writing, despite a few flashes of brilliance, pales in contrast to what has come before.

In this season of Fargo, a story about gang fighting in Kansas City serves as the backdrop. With Italians commanding the streets, an up-and-coming African-American gang arrives in an attempt to overthrow the current established order. Obviously, things do not go as planned.
Throughout the season, Fargo utilizes monologues, split-screen shots, and well-choreographed action to emphasize the antagonism between the various groups. This is generally effective, however, the ninth episode feels entirely out of place with the rest of the series.
Fargo uses a black-and-white noir structure to follow two groups of characters in a stand-alone game of cat-and-mouse. Here, style takes precedence over substance.
This episode is actually quite wonderful on paper and in isolation, but in the context of Fargo’s heated gang fighting, it feels misplaced and poorly written.
Several characters perish in unsatisfying ways, swept away by a cyclone that unexpectedly and fortuitously materializes. Despite apparent references to Kansas and The Wizard of Oz, this never quite works as well as it ought to.
The majority of the season of Fargo moves at a pretty plodding pace, with a few dramatic peaks thrown in for good measure. It isn’t until the last two episodes that things begin to get up, but by then it’s too little, too late.

Without a doubt, season 4 of Fargo is fascinating and would stand out as an above-average crime drama under any other title. However, under the Fargo umbrella, this one pales in comparison to what we’ve previously seen. It is highly doubtful that this season will be remembered as fondly as previous ones.
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And average is where Fargo spends most of its running time. Large portions of this 11-episode tale are hidden by a black cloud of mediocrity.
In a year that has produced so many amazing and unforgettable series, the fact that Fargo is not near the top is evidence of the fourth season’s decline. It’s not a terrible series, but it’s also not very good; the glimmering rays of optimism never last long enough to properly shine.
Is Season 4 of Fargo Any Good?
Season 4 of Fargo is good, and occasionally great, and comes near to the series’ obviously lofty aspirations. By the conclusion of this unhurried introduction, they had yet to coalesce into anything substantial.
Is Fargo Season 4 Superior to Season 3?
The initial season of Fargo on FX was fantastic. And then, just as improbable, Hawley reset the table and began anew with a new plot, different people, and a new environment. And, with an all-new season of Fargo, they again hit it out of the park.