Directed by Steven Soderbergh, the 2017 film ‘Logan Lucky’ offers an innovative interpretation on the heist genre. The narrative revolves around the Logan siblings, who, under the leadership of the eldest, Jimmy, undertake a heist intended to resolve all their difficulties.
The narrative commences with Jimmy’s termination from his employment and the revelation that his ex-wife and her spouse are relocating to another town, thereby taking his daughter with them. He requires funds to ensure his continued presence in his daughter’s life, prompting him to conceive the concept of the heist.
His building work beneath the tunnels of Charlotte Motor Speedway results in the discovery of the pneumatic tube system utilized for transporting funds to the vault.
The objective is to withdraw the funds via the tubes, and although there are several obstacles, such as advancing the timeline by one week, everything ultimately proceeds well. However, Jimmy does an action that astonishes the entire crew. WARNING: SPOILERS FOLLOW
What Was the Reason for Jimmy Not Keeping the Money?
Despite numerous unforeseen variables, the heist proceeds well, resulting with the squad emerging with refuse bags filled with currency. With that sum, everyone participants in the heist anticipate financial security for life.
Ultimately, Jimmy departs with the stolen money in a previously purloined truck, but rather than concealing the funds, he deposits them at a gas station and, via an anonymous call, relinquishes them to the authorities. This perplexes the entire crew, since it raises the question of why he orchestrated the heist if he intended to return the money.
Initially, it appears that Jimmy has experienced an abrupt shift in perspective following his daughter’s poignant performance at the pageant. He may recall the dangers, understanding that if apprehended, he would forfeit all contact with his daughter, leading him to conclude that the financial gain is not commensurate with the peril.
He returns the money, anticipating that its restitution will appease the Speedway owners and divert the authorities’ attention. Subsequently, it becomes evident that the reimbursement of funds was unrelated to the alteration of sentiment. This was precisely what Jimmy had intended from the outset.
Prior to presenting the plan to his brother, Jimmy formulates a series of regulations to be adhered to during the theft, all but one of which are eliminated by the final instance we observe the list. The final guideline pertains to recognizing when to withdraw, which defines the objective of Jimmy’s heist.
Although obtaining the funds was important, it was of greater significance to him that no one be implicated in the matter. If even a single individual were apprehended, the entire operation would collapse, resulting in imprisonment for everybody involved. He sought to eliminate the risk of arrest lingering over them, which prompted his decision to take measures that would guarantee their protection.
Jimmy’s reimbursement of the funds achieves the desired outcome. Once the Speedway owners receive their reimbursement and the FBI achieves no advancements in the case during a six-month period, tensions subside, allowing Jimmy and the others to relax.
Similar to the warden of a prison, the Speedway proprietors are disinclined to prolong the case, since it would simply tarnish their reputation by continually highlighting the fact that they were robbed in close proximity.
Ultimately, they opt not to forward the issue any further, resulting in the case being closed. Nevertheless, the restitution of the funds does not imply that Jimmy and his cohort of criminals depart empty-handed.
Jimmy’s Real Plan Was Totally Different
Understanding when to disengage is rooted in the avoidance of greed. One should only acquire what aligns with the plan, since excessive greed may disrupt the strategy and result in the very issues they sought to evade initially.
Thus, when Jimmy returns the money, it reflects his lack of greed. Nonetheless, this does not imply that the heist was inconsequential. Returning the money was integral to the initial strategy, allowing them to retain the actual valuables—specifically, the garbage bags that Jimmy concealed separately and had removed by Earl, who disposed of them in the landfill, from where Jimmy later recovered them.
The sole individuals privy to the true plan were Jimmy, Clyde, Mellie, and Earl. They refrained from informing Joe Bang and his brothers due to the anticipated commotion it would incite. Although Jimmy could manage his siblings and avert any disruptions to the plan, he lacked trust in Joe and his brothers.
They would be unable to reconcile the effort expended for a diminished share when they could retain the entirety of the funds for themselves. They may have attempted to abscond with the money in the truck, which would have jeopardized all of Jimmy’s plans. Consequently, he deemed it most prudent to keep them uninformed and pursue his own agenda.
Subsequently, a Speedway representative discloses that the insurance company compensated them for the unreturned funds. This is the reason they prefer to avoid further commotion regarding the heist. However, the complication lies in their lack of knowledge on the total amount stolen.
FBI agent Sarah Grayson poses the question: if they were unaware of the amount of money that was stolen, how did they file a claim with the insurance agency and receive reimbursement? The response is either that they approximated their losses and proceeded accordingly, or that they have precise knowledge of the amount lost but chose not to reveal it to avoid potential complications.
The funds may not have been as legitimate as believed, and the Speedway proprietors preferred to avoid complications by disregarding the absence of certain elements.
Jimmy awaits the FBI’s withdrawal from the case, during which he severs communication with the others. He relocates to Lynchburg, where his ex-wife and her spouse have settled with Jimmy’s daughter.
In this manner, he ensures that he does not inadvertently direct the FBI towards unforeseen developments by engaging with Joe or others. Understanding Joe’s temperament, Jimmy anticipated that he would instigate a confrontation due to his frustration with jeopardizing himself and his brothers without any financial reward.
Due to Joe’s recent release from incarceration and his parole restrictions, he is prohibited from crossing state boundaries, so preventing him from traveling to Lynchburg to confront Jimmy.
After six months, the FBI is withdrawn from the case, the intensity around the heist diminishes, and it is at this juncture that Jimmy decides to reemerge. Concurrently, he begins to distribute the shares. Joe discovers his portion concealed behind the tree where he had placed his cache of $97,000, which was taken by his brother’s former partner.
All individuals, from the inmate who assisted Joe in diverting the jail officials to the bank employee who inadvertently aided in the robbery, receive compensation for their involvement. Clyde acquires an improved prosthetic arm, whereas Jimmy secures a residence nearer to his daughter. All individuals attain their desires, and they remain secure, which was Jimmy’s initial objective.
Will the Logans Get Caught?
Given the time that Jimmy put in the strategy and its successful outcome, it appears they have indeed evaded consequences. Remarkably, numerous circumstances inadvertently resolve in their advantage. If the prison warden had acknowledged the violence on the day of the heist and the absence of Joe Bang and Clyde Logan throughout the day, the FBI would have had a lead to pursue.
Similarly, had Dayton White substantiated Max Chilblain’s assertion of witnessing Clyde and Joe at the Speedway, the FBI would have possessed evidence against them, resulting in their apprehension. However, circumstances unfold in their favor, and they ultimately attain their desires.
A recurring theme regarding the Logan family throughout the film is the notion of a curse. Clyde is the initial one to address the matter, although it is evident that the narrative of the curse extends beyond the family. Even Joe Bang acknowledges the curse, indicating that nearly all residents of the town are aware of it.
The curse stipulates that every individual in the family has experienced misfortune. Clyde provides examples of several other individuals; but, he and Jimmy are the most contemporary instances. Clyde suffered the amputation of his arm, while Jimmy sustained a limp that ended his NBA career.
It appears that anytime their fortunes begin to improve, and positive events transpire, an occurrence arises that undermines everything. The presence of FBI agent Sarah Grayson in the pub at the film’s conclusion suggests that the curse may once more be working against the Logans.
Notwithstanding the absence of compelling proof against the Logans, Grayson remains resolute in his belief that they participated in the heist. She has obtained sufficient indications to guide her, although the issue is that even if she apprehends them, she will be unable to sustain the case in court, resulting in their release.
The situation becomes increasingly complicated when the Speedway owners opt to abandon the litigation. They have recovered a substantial chunk of their embezzled funds, and the remainder was compensated by the insurance company. They have no justification for becoming entangled in additional dispute, hence they withdraw from the lawsuit.
This should have deterred Grayson, instead it intensifies her resolve to obtain the requisite evidence and incarcerate the Logans and their associates. She appears to disapprove of offenders evading justice.
By assembling all available information, she understands Jimmy’s scheme; yet, she requires concrete evidence to take action. Unable to advance the investigation through formal avenues, she resolves to remain close, potentially infiltrating the gang to elicit a confession from one member that would implicate the others.
It appears that she may have targeted Clyde in an attempt to elicit significant information regarding the case, potentially even securing a confession. If not this, then another option will ultimately emerge. Given the Logan Family Curse, it is certain that adversity will soon befall them.
Look into the detailed plot twists of Logan Lucky! Understand how the Logan siblings outwit all in this exhilarating heist narrative. Look at the reasons behind Jimmy’s perplexing actions and the future implications for the crew. Visit our website for further intriguing insights and concealed secrets regarding the film!