Couples frequently want their love stories immortalized in the stars, or even better, in their hearts, where they will always remember every moment. Ashley Terkeust and David Hodges had a tale like that. It was so romantic that most people thought David and Ashley were the perfect couple.
Their prospects of a happy marriage were further enhanced by the fact that they were both from Christian families. Many people are curious about what truly occurred to them because their love was brief and they are no longer together.
Both Ashley and David were born into well-known families, making them celebrity children. The well-known pastor Chris Hodges is the father of David. Ashley’s mother, Lysa Terkeust, is also a devout Christian.
David Hodges and Ashley Terkeurst Relationship
Ashley and David began dating soon after they first met in 2011. In 2012, they got married, and the following year, they had their first child. David was then pastoring the Highlands church as a college student. Ashley, a speaker and writer, collaborated with her mother at Proverbs 31 Ministries to spread the gospel.
Being one of the few Christians in the ministry made her special. Fans also responded well to the material she shared on her blogs, particularly the pieces on relationships and love. Ashley is another online influencer who has the ability to mobilize large crowds.
David Hodges and Ashley Terkeust Marriage
In order to learn more about one another, David and Ashley dated for a short time. After that, they were married in 2012, and the following year they welcomed their first kid.
As soon as they were married, they relocated to Nashville so that Ashley could continue writing for her blogs and David could work as a college pastor at Highlands Church. They relocated to Charlotte three years after their wedding became well-known. By this time, Ashley operated her blog and David was a personal trainer.
What happened with Ashley Terkeurst and David Hodges?

Unexpectedly, Ashley Terkeurst and David Hodges got divorced. In 2017, they made the announcement on social media. Ashley revealed in a blog post that they divorced because of intractable disagreements and that she was going through a difficult period.
Following the announcement of his divorce, David Hodges returned to Los Angeles after living with his parents in Nashville. He removed all of his social media accounts shortly after that.
Ashley Terkeurst and their child returned to their hometown in North Carolina following the divorce. She kept blogging, but she never brought up David Hodges again.
The likely reason for the divorce has now become the subject of numerous rumors. We only know that their marriage had irretrievably broken down, making it impossible for them to be together.
Some believed that Ashley’s divorced parents might have been the cause of the split. After twenty-five years of marriage, Lysa and Art got divorced. In the announcement, Lysa said she was divorcing her husband due to infidelity and drug use.
Ashley’s parents were her staunchest supporters prior to their separation. Ashley’s mother made the decision to stand back and allow her daughter some space following the divorce. Some claim that David’s marriage ended because of an affair he had with another lady.
David and Ashley continue to have a friendly connection in spite of their divorce. They complimented one another on being wonderful parents in the divorce announcement. It’s clear that both of them have effectively moved on with their lives despite their breakup.
After making some adjustments, they are now living in different states and are not at odds with one another. If something isn’t functioning, it’s preferable to stop it. People still cling to things that cannot be saved in many situations.
Ashley Terkeurst and David Hodges are proof that even the most unusual couples can succeed in marriage if they make the necessary efforts to better understand one another. They avoided a lot of issues once they were married since they were able to get to know their spouse before being married.
To gain a better understanding of Ashley Terkeurst and David Hodges’ relationship and the circumstances that led to their unexpected split, check out our website Editorials24. Get the most recent information and analysis about celebrity relationships and other topics.