People frequently find parts of the narrative elements of Tokyo Ghoul puzzling due to its intricate plot and large cast of characters, which is why many questions are posed about it every day. The death of Hideyoshi Nagachika, or Hide, in the story is one of these questions. Does Hide return, or did he actually perish in Tokyo Ghoul?
Neither the manga nor the anime depict Hideyoshi Nagachika (Hide) dying in Tokyo Ghoul. In both incarnations, he appeared to die, but he lived on and eventually joined the CCG as the enigmatic Scarecrow. During Tokyo Ghoul:re, he finally revealed his true identity to Kaneki.
The article’s remainder will discuss Hide’s apparent or actual demise in the Tokyo Ghoul series. It will be revealed to you if he died (and if so, how) and whether he ever returned to the main story. Continue reading until the end because we have a fascinating text for you.
Tokyo Ghoul: Does Hide Die?
Ken’s childhood friend Hideyoshi Nagachika, who is now Hide, is a student at his university. Despite his seeming constant joy and shallowness, he actually has a remarkable sense of observation and is the first to recognize Ken’s transition into a half-ghoul.
He joins the CCG after Ken vanishes in order to surreptitiously obtain information about him; he was commended for his hard work while in the CCG but was excluded from the more significant missions.
The second half of the original Tokyo Ghoul manga, or the Tokyo Ghoul √A anime, appears to be when his storyline ends. Despite the fact that his demise was the same in all versions, we will examine the manga and anime separately because they varied greatly.
What Became of Hide in the Manga ‘Tokyo Ghoul’?

The situation is much the same. Hide enlists as a soldier in the CCG during the Owl Suppression Operation in order to follow Kaneki. Following a fierce altercation with Amon, Kaneki retreated to the sewers, severely injured. Hide approaches him there, admitting that he had been aware of his change all along and requesting that Kaneki return home.
As Kaneki attempted to flee, Hide clarified that Arima was nearby and that Kaneki would not be able to evade him. This was because Kaneki was extremely unsteady during the conversation and he was afraid that he would lose control and kill Hide. He then exhorted him to give it his all in one more battle.
Hide went on to say that he offered himself to Kaneki for him to eat because he wanted to help him and knew that he needed flesh to survive because Kaneki was weak and unstable. Hide stated that there was no other way for him to survive a confrontation with Arima, who was waiting for him, but Kaneki plainly hesitated and was taken aback by his proposition.
Hide, who was aware of Arima, required a fit Kaneki in order to convince the CCG’s chief enforcer that it would be prudent to let Kaneki live. When Kaneki regains consciousness after becoming unconscious, he discovers Hide gone and has blood in his mouth.
How did Hide Die in ‘Tokyo Ghoul Root A’?
The events surrounding Hide’s death were depicted very differently in the anime. Here, Hide pretended to be a soldier and infiltrated the Owl Suppression Operation in order to spy on Kaneki and assist him if necessary. When Aoigiri arrived, he was unprepared and hurt, but he managed to get away and discovered a wounded Kaneki in front of Anteiku.
He admits that he had been aware of Kaneki’s change from the start and brings him inside while attempting to prepare coffee for the two of them. Kaneki was taken aback by Hide’s actions, which were to pretend that nothing had changed.
It became clear from their talk that Hide was bleeding heavily and had sustained a serious stomach injury. As it appeared, Hide was near death, and his final wish was to return home with Kaneki. The CCG’s warriors, utterly stunned, watched in silence as Kaneki carried his dying companion in his arms and marched through the streets while Anteiku burned down.
Just before confronting Arima in the titanic combat that was never seen in the anime, Kaneki finally halted and placed his friend’s body down in the snow.
Does Hide Return in Tokyo Ghoul?
Scarecrow, a new enigmatic figure, joins the CCG in Tokyo Ghoul:re. Although disguises weren’t unusual in the CCG, the identities of the most of the masked members were known, making Scarecrow a mysterious character masquerading as a scarecrow.
The exception was Scarecrow. He was highly knowledgeable and brilliant, and he took part in the most significant missions of the CCG, but usually as a consultant rather than a combatant.
Eventually, the Scarecrow came up to Kuki Urie and requested his help, and he eventually identified himself as Hideyoshi Nagachika (Hide).
It eventually becomes clear that Hide never died. Kaneki bit him, consuming a portion of his face and neck, but Hide survived the wound, which Kaneki was unaware of because he blacked out. Since this explanation makes sense—we know that Kaneki tasted blood in his tongue after discovering Hide was gone—the manga maintains its own continuity here.
Explaining the anime is a little more difficult because, in Tokyo Ghoul:re, Kaneki confesses to biting off a portion of Hide’s face and neck after his friend shows him his scars. There just doesn’t seem to be any room for it to have truly occurred given what we know about Hide’s alleged death in Tokyo Ghoul √A. After removing Hide from the flaming Anteiku, Kaneki held him in his arms until Arima confronted him.
We don’t really know when Kaneki may have bitten Hide because of the fight between the two and his apparent death, but since he confesses to committing it, we must presume that it is true.
Ultimately, it isn’t that significant. In both the manga and the anime, Hide never died, so this continuity error—while not as minor as you may think—is only a minor detail in the overall scheme of things.
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