Carly Elisabeth Simon is an American singer-songwriter, pianist, memoirist, and children’s author who was born on June 25, 1943, or 1945. She had a number of hits in the 1970s, including “Anticipation” (at No. 13), “The Right Thing to Do” (at No. 17), “Haven’t Got Time for the Pain” (at No. 14), “You Belong to Me” (at No. 6), and “Coming Around Again” (at No. 18), as well as the four Gold-certified singles “You’re So Vain” (at No. 1), “Mockingbird” ( (No. 11). She has written two autobiographies and five novels for youngsters. Here are some interesting facts about Carly Simon.
1. Simon and Her Sister Lucy Simon Started Singing Together in 1963
American singer-songwriter, guitarist, memoirist, and children’s novelist Carly Elisabeth Simon (born June 25, 1943, or 1945) is a multi-talented artist. She had a number of hits in the 1970s, including “Anticipation” (at No. 13), “The Right Thing to Do” (at No. 17), “Haven’t Got Time for the Pain” (at No. 14), “You Belong to Me” (at No. 6), and “Coming Around Again” (at No. 18), as well as the four Gold-certified singles “You’re So Vain” (at No. 1), “Mockingbird” ( (No. 11). She’s written two autobiographies and five novels for kids.
2. Her Breakthrough Came when She Was Cat Stevens’ Opening Act
In April of 1971, Elektra flew Simon to California so that she could open for Stevens at the Troubadour for five nights. This was Simon’s first time in Los Angeles and she had a blast. As she was checking into the Hyatt, she happened to run across Kris Kristofferson. The two musicians, James Taylor and Joni Mitchell were waiting for her in her dressing room after her first performance. Certainly not a terrible way to launch a successful album release career.

Second, when she told her therapist that she’d slept with Warren Beatty, he was completely shocked. It wasn’t that she’d slept with him that surprised her therapist so much. The fact that she wasn’t the first person to inform her therapist that they’d spent the night with Warren Beatty the night before was the clincher.
According to Simon’s autobiography Boys in the Trees, “I wasted little time telling Warren.” I figured he’d either disagree or offer a counterpoint. He did, in fact, howl at the phone. I’m sure he was mentally tallying up some figures and reviewing some information, if not really pulling out a calculator or calendar. He might have made a mistake, but it’s possible. Is it possible that this actually took place? He deserves credit for seeing the humor in the predicament.
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3. She and Her Sister Sang a Duet for Sean Connery
Carly and Lucy Simon were awestruck when they saw Sean Connery on a boat train to Southampton, but they weren’t awestruck enough to have a steward carry a note to his room inviting him to “come over to our very snug little room and have a cup of tea or a pre-prandial cocktail.” He accepted their invitation, and the following day they had dinner and beverages together, during which the Simon sisters sang a little.
4. Bob Dylan “Rewrote” a Song Just for Her Once

Simon attempted to record “Baby, Let Me Follow You Down” with Albert Grossman and an unidentified producer whose identity may be deduced with some detective work. However, the producer’s decision to lower the melody for her contributed to the session’s failure. Simon suggests in her book that this might have happened “as punishment for me not responding to their sexual approaches,” however she admits that she has no evidence to support this claim.
5. She Had a Few Close Calls with Famous Performers
Simon, desperate to pay her rent, landed a job as the producer’s secretary on the TV show From the Bitter End. She only worked there for a month, in part because “my shorthand was nonexistent,” but she also ended up serving as a gofer for the show’s guests.
My initial mission is to check in with Marvin Gaye in the changing room. A shirtless Marvin asked me to perform something for him, and when I did, he asked if I would mind sticking out my tongue for him to see. In return, Marvin snatched my tongue out of my mouth and began sucking on it. I was able to take it out without breaking anything in the process. I then entered Redd Foxx’s private dressing room. Redd, upon hearing my knock, let his renowned red fox fur coat drop to the floor.
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6. She Spent Her Entire Inheritance on Psychotherapy
It wasn’t all glitz and glitter in the Simon household; there were certainly some sexual mysteries that the adult Carly Simon is still attempting to solve. Since her father had been forced out of the business he had started and had passed away at a young age, the family fortune had quickly dissipated.

Simon’s “little fortune” was quickly exhausted by the cost of psychoanalysis sessions she attended five days a week when she suffered a nervous breakdown while visiting a partner in France. Simon comments on “Dr. F” telling her she was done, saying, “Looking back, I presume he must have caught a whiff of that pungent, sour odor of future rejected checks, the scent of a patient on the edge of depleting her cash.”